02. Oktober, 19:38 Uhr

First of all: Thank you so much for your overwhelming support! After only two days we have already reached our funding goal.

We are currently receiving a lot of positive feedback from you; reading and watching your reactions shows us we are on the right track!

For all of us this is an important milestone, but the amazing journey only has just begun.

The ingame trailer has already shown many basic features, but there is still much more to reveal.

At this time, we’re happy to announce the first four stretch goals for our campaign, offering additional features that’ll be unlocked once the targets are reached.

In the next couple of weeks we will keep you up to date with more news, videos and dev logs which will give you more insight into the development of Cattle and Crops.

In addition we’re introducing community rewards that which will lead to new material like images, 3D previews and more on this site. More about that in the next update.

Tschüss ;)

Previous News

30. September, 12:00 Uhr

Wir sind stolz euch heute unseren ingame Trailer präsentieren zu dürfen.Zur gleichen Zeit starten wir eine Kickstarter Kampagne zur Finanzierung des Projektes.Dir gefällt was du bisher gesehen hast? Jetzt hast …

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Next News

05. Oktober, 15:37 Uhr

Aufgrund der hohen Nachfrage nach alternativen Bezahlmethoden neben Kreditkarten freuen wir uns anzukündigen, dass wir Unterstützung für PayPal auf unserer Webseite eingerichtet haben. Dieses System wird in Kürze voll in die existierende …

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